Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Sanguino Build - The Souped up Arduino

The Arduino microcontroller is really gaining a lot of attention these days, and is taking the DIY community by storm. Thought there are cheaper platforms out there like PICAXE, hobbyist are starting to switch to this new platform. I'm formerly from 8088, 6502 universe. Then STAMP/PIC/ATMEL AVR platform, just can't resist getting my hands dirty again. As an open source supporter, I guess its time to get my feet wet on Arduino bandwagon.

Just sold my Basic STAMP Board of Education (who needs it if you'll be doing Arduino) recently on ebay for $52.00, I decided to get a Sanguino kit, from Zach (the RepRap creator), but since he was on vacation that time (Jan'09), I have to wait in line. I would really love to pick this Sanguino kit from him at HackSpace after work, and hopefully to see his cool RepRap, time just didn't permit it, so I had it shipped instead.

So here's my build log:

But looking forward to attend the craft nights with my Sanguino in the future.

R/C Flying

My R/C Flying

Almost DIY CNC Machine

DIY CNC Machine here